OK, so at the risk of making myself look like more of an ass of a husband than you already think, I have to pass along the piss-me-off moment from yesterday. It involves laundry and, as such, is ripe for making me appear to be a horrible person. Or at least more horrible than I already appear. So let me give some background, in the hopes that I may appear a little less of an ass.
Last year, towards the end of the year, I started doing most of the laundry for Mrs! and I. I had done some on occasion before this, and I wasn't opposed to helping. Unfortunately, it was becoming more and more common to not have clothing items when I needed them. After a few times, I started checking after work for the clothes I needed the following day. If they weren't available, I'd do the laundry to ensure I had them. This morphed into me starting laundry in the mornings before I left and finishing when I got home.
I should clarify that at this time, Mrs! was neither working nor attending school. Essentially she was a stay-at-home mom with kids in school during the day. In fact, A2 had started college, so he was taking the only available vehicle to the school most days, so she didn't even have a vehicle at home.
Mrs! started going to college in January. It had been talked about off and on, and she wasn't sure how interested she was. After some encouragement, she decided to return to school. College students generally return in the fall semester, but she wasn't able to (another story for another day), so she went to college for the first time ever in January this year.
Mrs! and A2 generally left by 7:30 am to get to school, which left me home by myself until I left for work. I was still starting clothes before I left the house during this time, and apart from a handful of occasions, I was finishing the laundry when I got home. Between work and exercise, our laundry consisted of at least a load every 2-3 days. (The A's have been doing their own laundry for a few years now.) Why she hasn't been able to finish the laundry in the afternoon when they got home from school (around 1:00 pm), I'm not sure. I kept doing it so that I would have clean clothes when I needed them.
Yesterday was the last day of end-of-semester exams for Mrs! She didn't have to leave until 9:00 am, which meant I left the house before she did. I started a load of clothes around 8:00 am and asked her to please move them to the dryer before they left. "If you can turn them on at least one cycle, they will be mostly dry and won't sit around wet all day. Then you can turn them back on when you get home." And with that, I headed to work.
When I got home, Mrs! greeted me a little groggy. Seems she had fallen asleep watching TV and my arrival home had woken her from her nap. I checked on the laundry before I went to change out of my work clothes. The load was still in the washer and had been all day. More than a little peeved, I moved them over to the dryer and started the cycle. I avoided conversation for a bit so that I could calm down. Later she sheepishly apologized for "not getting the clothes switched over".
She did turn on the dryer for a second cycle since "the clothes weren't completely dry". But later as I was getting my things ready for the next day I realized they were still there. I went and pulled the now dry clothes out and folded everything and put it all away.
And lest you think I'm getting bent out of shape about a simple mistake on her part, let me remind you that this is the exact lack of responsibility that started me doing the laundry in the first place. And just a few weeks ago she was bragging to A3 about the fact that I had started doing laundry, "to help out while she was in school." Uh, no. But I guess if you are the boss you can rewrite history to suit your own ideas.
Oh, and last night, A2 was, as usual on work nights, still at work as I was headed to bed. Mrs! started out the bedroom with a comment that she was going to turn out lights (except the kitchen), and wait up for A2 to get home. So, no chance to finish what was started the night before. At least she turned out the overhead light as she left the room. How considerate.
Until next time,
~ Anon ~
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